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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Multimasks as Makeup Design Tools 4 Drama

At a recent Victoria Avenue School production the Makeup Team was responsible for ensuring 150 children were appropriately made up for the Drama Performance - three nights in a row!
The special FX makeup was a particular challenge; achieving the same cohesive 'look', three nights running, using teams of novice makeup 'artists' (parents!!), while allowing for the fact that the parents on these teams could be different each night!

Mel's Solution: Use Multimasks as the base on which to create face designs, to provide a lifelike template for all to copy!

  • Apply makeup, including face paint, lipstick, eye shadow, blusher and even glitter, directly on to the Multimask face base.

  • Add handwritten notes to the Made-up Multimasks, to provide extra clarification for the special FX teams eg. "heavy brows", "blusher under glitter", etc.

  • Put together the sets of makeup required for each team...the actual coloured facepaint, the specific blusher to be used, the right lipstick and eye shadow materials, referring to the Made-up Multimask as a guide.

  • Include in these packets (Snaplock bags) the items necessary for applying the makeup: sponges, blusher brushes, eye shadow sponge-applicators, those vital lip liners and eyebrow pencils and the cotton buds and "Wet wipes" for removing mistakes!

  • Clearly label the completed packets...the team name, how many characters to be completed and to which room they are allocated.

  • Brief your teams and send them off with their complete template and tools to do the job!

  • At the end of each evening check the packet contents and replace any items, sharpen pencils, clean sponges - ready for reuse the next night!

Made-up Multimask + Complete Make-up Pack + Enthusiastic Parent Volunteers = Special FX Makeup Success!!

James' Art in Africa Vlog